Wednesday, November 28, 2007

LoNeLy ...I Am So LoneLy...!!

You must be thinking that I am singing the famous song from the Akon's album lonely but it is not like that Today most of us are prone to the problem of "loneliness", it means that you have so many people near by but still you are alone ,u have so much to share but with whom ? you find no one in the crowd to share your feeling,all the day you keep on discussing about technical things,about your works, about studies but when it come to speak your heart out to some one you will not find any this article we will discuss about this problem,symptoms ,reason and probable solution of this problem.

Obscure,lonesome,desolate,are the few synonyms of the word "Lonely" this 6 letter word is playing a major role in the so called "Modern life style" in which most of us live alone or with room mates, far away from our family for earning Money.we make lost of friends at work place have fun with them but these are the side effect of the problem of loneliness as the problem increases you try to keep running from it and avoiding it by giving less time to our self and make us busy in one thing or other so that we can escape from the Dark cover of loneliness.

How many times it happens to you that you are crowded by friends and you are not listening to them you are thinking of some thing else,you want to sit alone and do not want to talk to any one,how many times you cried alone,how many times you want to tell some thing to your friend and then you stop,how many time you walk in the rain alone..these are some of the symptoms of the problem.

The main reason for this problem is our life style in which we make friends and most of them are for some purpose,and you can't build so much trust on them so that you can tell them your inner thoughts and feelings,then most of us try to find out partners (girl friend) to whom the can say what they want but in today's world that to even not long lasting and the break off result in increasing the feeling of loneliness,and this come out in the form of anger and mental pressure,you try to keep yourself busy in something and which in turn blemish your health and can lead to serious consequences .

we can avoid this feeling by doing certain things
  1. Do mediation.
  2. Do prayer:-As that will help you to say your thoughts to super power full god.
  3. Trust your friend that they can help you or at least hear your problem carefully.
  4. and last but not the least Do exercise so that excess of toxic substance get removed from your body and you will remain active

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